Chemistry, asked by noida45, 11 months ago

what js work of distict collector


Answered by shivamtutor24
the work of a district collector or disrrict magistrates is to run the town or District very smoothly

shivamtutor24: mark it as a brainlist answer please
noida45: 9k
noida45: ok
Answered by Sauron
District Collector, often abbreviated to Collector, is the foremost Indian Administrative Service officer in charge of revenue collection and administration of a district in India. Since District Collector also have executive magisterial powers, this post is also called District Magistrate. The collector assists Deputy Collectors, Assistant Collectors, Sub Collectors and individualtahsildars of each taluk in the district.

land assessment

land acquisition

collection of land revenue

collection of income tax dues, excise duties, irrigation dues etc.

distribution of agricultural loans

Disaster management during natural calamities such as floods, famines or epidemics

Crisis management during riots or external aggression

Chairman of the District Bankers Coordination Committee

Head of the District Industries Centre

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