what kind fo water falls into the lithosphere and the hydrosphere?
It can enter the hydrosphere by falling onto bodies of water or falling onto the ground. When it rains, water falling onto the ground can move in two ways – it can run off the surface of the ground and enter streams and rivers, or it can seep into the ground and enter the ground water. This second process is called infiltration – water moves through pore spaces between soil particles or rocks.
Once the water is in the hydrosphere or geosphere, it can be used by living things. Plants can take water from the soils, and animals can drink water from rivers and lakes or eat plants. Even microbes deep in the ground live in tiny films of water surrounding rocks. The water will then stay in the biosphere until released through evaporation, transpiration, excretion, decay, respiration and combustion and the whole process begins again.
It may stay in the hydrosphere or geosphere for a long time (such as in aquifers) or it may very quickly return to the atmosphere.
These processes that transform and transfer water within the Earth’s system occur continuously over time but at different rates in different places.