English, asked by sk8608628, 7 months ago

what kind of a person do you think the narrator's a veterinary surgeon is? would you say he is tatful as well as full of common lense​


Answered by HeartKillerTigress


The narrator is a veterinary surgeon. The instances in the story makes it obvious that he is a very tactful person. He understood Tricki's ailment when he sees him. He knows how to deal with people.

Answered by Nevilpatel7


The narrator, a veterinary surgeon, is a capable and wise doctor. He handles Tricki properly which shows that he is sincere about his profession.

He does not operate upon the dog unnecessarily and cures him by altering his diet and activities.

He is a tactful person as he knew exactly how to convince Mrs Pumphrey to hospitalise Tricki for a surgery. His decision to inform Mrs Pumphrey to collect Tricki supports his sensibilities even though he was tempted to keep Tricki as a permanent guest.

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