what kind of fire extinguishers are most often used for extinguishing an electrical fire?
CO2 extinguishers
Step-by-step explanation:
Here are the main fire extinguishers we recommend you use on electrical fires: CO2 extinguishers are ideal for Class E fires, as well as Class B Fires involving combustible liquids such as petrol, oil paint and solvents Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers put out fires by cutting off the fire’s oxygen source.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Extinguishers
Step-by-step explanation:
CO2 extinguishers are mainly used for electrical fire risks and are usually the main fire extinguisher type provided in computer server rooms. They also put out Class B fires. CO2 extinguishers suffocate fires by displacing the oxygen the fire needs to burn. This type of extinguisher has a black label.
CO2 extinguishers need to be place near to the source of the fire risk or near the fire exits such as offices, kitchens, server rooms and premises with electrical appliances and equipment.