English, asked by TehniathAmeen, 8 days ago

what kind of person was bhujaba,the village headman​


Answered by bhanugundla01

Bhujaba belongs to upper caste , so he was very proud of his caste. He treated Lower class very badly and he was the rascal of Village

Answered by AnusritaS98


The village headman, Bhujaba was a racist. He looked down upon the lower caste people and used to get jealous whenever any lower caste person got more money than him.


The village headman or the Sarpanch was known as the rascal of the village. He was racist and used to look down upon the lower caste people. Not only that, he even had the audacity to plan a swindle of around five hundred rupees from an old man who was retiring as he was not from the same cast as his.

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