. What least no. should be added to 960 to get a perfect square no. ?
Step-by-step explanation:
add 1 to it
u will get 961 which is the square root of 31 ...
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To get a perfect square from 960 ,when 1 is added we get 961.
Step-by-step explanation:
The number 960 is
therefore 1 is the least number added to 970 to get a perfect square,that is
square root of 961 is 31
perfect square is number which the square of another numbers That is,it is a number such that this number is obtained as the product when a number is raised to 2
- a number which usually end is 2,3,7,8 are not perfect squares like 32,53,77,18.etc.
- number ending in odd number of zeros are not generally perfect squares eg: 1000,70,50.etc.
- number divided by 3 that leaves remainder 2 ,then number divided by 4 that leaves 2 or 3 as remainder are also not perfect square
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