what less did Alexander learn from the saints in India??
When Alexander came to India, he discovered that, of all the countries he had conquered, the most truthful, wise and beautiful persons were found here. He desired to see the heads of India, i. e. the philosophers and the saints. He was then taken to the banks of river Indus, where he found a saintly personality. Alexander was known as the Emperor of the world, while the saint did not have even the loin-cloth round his waist. Alexander had a great personality. The eyes of the saint were also sparkling with spiritual lustre, saying, as it were, "I bestow grandeur on the kings and beauty on the beautiful ones, whenever I look at them".
Alexander the great was overwhelmed by the spiritual personality of this saint. He said, "O great soul! Be kind unto me. People here in India keep even the jewels like you hidden in obscurity. But in Greece great importance is attached even to small things. I request you to be gracious enough to accompany me to my country. I shall offer you kingdom, wealth and precious stones. I shall offer you anything you might require but pray, do accompany me".
The saint only smiled and said, "I am everywhere. I am omnipresent. I am beyond space."
alexander as learn about saints in India because they want to sacceed the war.