What made autocracy unpopular in Russia?
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Under him the condition of peasants and workers became miserable because he never paid attention to their interests. 2. Also, the defeat of russia in world war ignited the anger among people. particularly, tsars adviser - rasputin made autocracy more unpopular.
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Tsar Nicolas II poor assertiveness and bad advisers, especially Rasputin, led to the decline of autocracy in Russia.
- Tsar Nicolas II lacked the confidence and assertiveness of a ruler. As an autocratic ruler, Nicholas II was not able to rule Russia accurately, which led to his abdication and execution.
- He believed in an autocracy, which means a ruler must possess all the power.
- During his reign, Russia saw industrial progress, while agriculture lagged. Peasants and workers were in miserable conditions.
- Tsar Nicholas II was the last tsar to rule Russia. His death led to the end of Romanov dynasty.
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What were three causes that made the Russia autocracy unpopular?
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