what made the family Change over to their fourth residence? what precautions did they take before building it
Robinson decides they need to find a more secure shelter. They decide to move to a cave. However, they soon become aware of poisonous air in the caves. They take the precaution of using burning hay to purify the air before they enter a cave.
graphic – pictorial, involving a lot of pictures
graphic – pictorial, involving a lot of picturesSwiss – someone from Switzerland
graphic – pictorial, involving a lot of picturesSwiss – someone from Switzerlandclergyman – a male Christian priest
graphic – pictorial, involving a lot of picturesSwiss – someone from Switzerlandclergyman – a male Christian priestself-reliance – self-dependence, trust in oneself
graphic – pictorial, involving a lot of picturesSwiss – someone from Switzerlandclergyman – a male Christian priestself-reliance – self-dependence, trust in oneselfprudent – wise, judicious
graphic – pictorial, involving a lot of picturesSwiss – someone from Switzerlandclergyman – a male Christian priestself-reliance – self-dependence, trust in oneselfprudent – wise, judiciousnatural sciences – a branch of science which deals with the physical world
graphic – pictorial, involving a lot of picturesSwiss – someone from Switzerlandclergyman – a male Christian priestself-reliance – self-dependence, trust in oneselfprudent – wise, judiciousnatural sciences – a branch of science which deals with the physical worldhusbandry – the activity of raising plants and animals for food
graphic – pictorial, involving a lot of picturesSwiss – someone from Switzerlandclergyman – a male Christian priestself-reliance – self-dependence, trust in oneselfprudent – wise, judiciousnatural sciences – a branch of science which deals with the physical worldhusbandry – the activity of raising plants and animals for foodelements – components, parts
graphic – pictorial, involving a lot of picturesSwiss – someone from Switzerlandclergyman – a male Christian priestself-reliance – self-dependence, trust in oneselfprudent – wise, judiciousnatural sciences – a branch of science which deals with the physical worldhusbandry – the activity of raising plants and animals for foodelements – components, partsstretch – to make something longer, or to extend something