what made the peasants artisans craftsmen to rebel against the British.
Anyone answer me.
The British East India Company, a trading organization, slowly and gradually through wars and diplomacy transformed itself into a political power between 1757 and 1857.
The British power made India a colony of the British and established colonial rule in India and introduced far-reaching changes into administrative, legal, social and religious spheres.
Colonialism of the British and introduction of British values had shaken the Indian society. While this transformation was taking place, Indians did not keep quiet as passive spectators helplessly but the subaltern groups of peasants and trial’s expressed their resentment through popular resistance, movements or civil disturbances mostly which were localized, sporadic, isolated and unorganized.
peasants artisans and craft man rebelled on account of the change in pattern of demand for goods as the loss of customers of Indian craft man the Indian craftsman suffered lost due to machine made cheap British goods