What Makes a Rainbow?
⏩▶️Hey mate here is your answer...⏪◀️
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A rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. It takes the form of a multicoloured circular arc. Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun.⏪◀️
♥️Hope this will help you...♥️
The rainbow is seen because of refraction,reflection and dispersion of light though the water droplets....It occurs mostly after a rain shower as there will be more water content in the atmosphere.....The light first get inside the water droplet and get reflected then inside the drop it gets refracted and dispersion into the spectrum of white light........VIBGYOR.......Thus we are able to see the 7 colors.....