what makes election democratic or non democratic
(((We can say thatelection democratic or non-democratic because when election is Democratic then people can choose their representative in election but if election is not democratic as a North Korea then people have to vote only for the only one and these are elected by the government only
nobody has the right to stand by its own in the election only government can choose )))
just like example of North Korea where people have to vote only for Kim John doesn't matter if there are other representatives are not similar is the case with China which is not democratic in China Government of. For 25 people for the government election to stand but the people from the public cannot stand by their own only government can appoint them and suppose you don't want to vote for any of them then what you up but you have to wait for them they pretend to be democratic but they are not democratic but in democratic election there is a different case just like in India for the representative such as a BJP or Congress if we want if you don't want then we can press none of them is there is one option for that also so that's the reason we can make election democratic or non-democratic