What makes this world a hell?
What makes this world a hell?
Most people live in poverty without having food;
Everybody judges you, include your family;
There’s still a lot of racism and homophobia;
It’s hard to make money;
Nobody cares about the environment or the animals. I hate the fact that there is pollution just because people are too lazy to stop eating meat;
We have to be the best in everything, how can I be smart, pretty, funny, sociable at the same time?
Sometimes I feel trapped in a life that I haven’t chose;
Friends stay with you to escape from loneliness;
The universe, it’s too big and we know a little about it;
People treat you like an alien if you read book or be vegan;
To have a decent job you have to get high grades during high school and go to a college that will leave you thousands dollars of debt.