English, asked by aaaabbbb69, 1 year ago

what makes you know that Mrs. pumphrey was a rich lady​


Answered by patilishwar474


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Mrs. Pumphrey was a rich lady as she used to spend a lot of money on buying expensive foods for her dog Tricki. She made Tricki eat so much that he fell ill and had to see the doctor. ... She used to think that Tricki was suffering from malnutrition and so she continuously gave him food to eat.

Answered by sroy16657


When the doctor or the author takes the dog to his surgery (hospital) mrs pumphrey was in a tension that how her dog will live there because mrs pumphrey always gave extra meals to her dog, he had different clothes for different season. When the doctor admitted the dog in his surgery, after some days mrs pumphrey started sending bottle of wine and beer, two dozens of eggs as she was thinking that her dog was weaken in the hospital so for gaining energy she started sending this wine and beer bottles and many eggs .this shows that she was definitely a rich lady.


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