What materials are required to prove that oxygen is produced during photosynthesis in the presence of light ? What procedure we need to follow to perform the above experiment ?
AIM: To prove that oxygen is produced during photosynthesis in the presence of sun light
APPARATUS: Beaker, water, testtube hydrilla , short stemmed funnel, match stick
EQUATION: 6CO2 + 12H2O gives rises through sunlight and chlorophyll to C6H12O6,(GLUCOSE)+6H2O+6O2
- Make two identical sets
- Take a glass Beaker with water
- Place hydrilla plant bits in a short stemmed funnel and keep this funnel inverted position into beaker with water
- Carefully , invert a test tube with full of water over the stem of the funnel
- Place one apparatus in the sun and other in the dark for atleast 2-3 hours.
OBSERVATION: We observe in place of water air fills in the setup kept in the sun. No gas is filled in the set up kept in dark
TEST FOR GAS: Test the gas by inserting a glowing match stick or incense stick which would burst into flames.This shows the presence of oxygen
INFERENCE:. This indicates that green plants in release oxygen when exposed to sunlight

To prove that oxygen is produced during photosynthesis by Hydrilla funnel experiment
- Beaker with water
- Test tube
- Funnel
- Hydrilla plant
- Glowing splinter
- Arrange the apparatus as shown in the provided attachment
- Place Hydrilla in a short stemmed funnel and keep in a beaker.
- Pour water in the beaker.
- Invert a test tube full of water over the stem of the funnel.
- Remember that level of water in the beaker is above the level of the stem of the inverted funnel.
- Place the whole apparatus in the sunlight for 8 to 9 hours.
- The bubbles are collected at the end of the test tube pushing the water into the beaker.
- After sufficient gas is collected, test tube is taken out of the beaker carefully by closing it with thumb.
Test the gas in the test tube by inserting a glowing incense stick which would burst into flames.
This shows that oxygen is produced during photosynthesis.
- Funnel should be smaller than the beaker
- Care should be taken while removing test tune from the stem of funnel.