what materials will you suggest to observe a mammalian kidney in laboratory?
The two kidneys are the first organs of the genitourinary system. they're placed within the higher quadrants of the cavum, against the posterior wall and behind the membrane bone serous membrane. They perform a spread of advanced activities that cause the assembly of weewee. the opposite organs of the genitourinary system embody the ureters. that transport weewee faraway from the kidneys; the vesica, that stores urine; and also the channel. that conveys weewee book outside of the body.
Materials required :-
Human body part model
Kidney model
Animal excretory organ (pig)
Dissecting receptacle
Dissecting instruments
Compound microscope
Prepared sheet glass of a excretory organ section
Purpose of the Exercise :-
Review the structure of the excretory organ, dissect a excretory organ, and observe the key structures of a uriniferous tubule microscopically.
Procedure A— excretory organ Structure
Examine the human body part and also the excretory organ model to find the subsequent features:
kidneys, ureters, vesica, urethra, nephritic sinus, cavum, nephritic papillae, nephritic medulla, cortex, nephrons.
2. Complete half A of the laboratory report.