Biology, asked by subbaiahtc1331, 11 months ago

What may be the reason for the extinction of dinosaurs? If you know the reason for their extinction ,why sparrows are listed as endangered species?


Answered by ruppunzel7275

The reason may be changing climatic condition during evolution and when our earth was developing.Well,they were no more able to survive in that climate and hence they extincted.But sparrows are endangered,there could be many reasons like hunting,not able to survive in climate,Change in the ecosystem,lack of habitat and other reasons also.

Hope it helped,hit a thank!

Answered by priyadharshinit524


A big meteorite crashed into Earth, changing the climatic conditions so dramatically that dinosaurs could not survive. Ash and gas spewing from volcanoes suffocated many of the dinosaurs. Diseases wiped out entire populations of dinosaurs. Food chain imbalances lead to the starvation of the dinosaurs. This may be behind the dinosaurs' demise. Common sparrows are going extinct because of mindless urbanisation. They are losing not just their natural habitats but also the essential human touch they need and thrive upon. The indifference caused by a lack of emotional connect has pushed these birds to the edge of extinction.

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