English, asked by assamtoday96, 6 hours ago

what mean by " commenting for better reach"​


Answered by kritigiri2020


This simply means that whatever you have posted on linkedin be it a request for job or anything that is helpful for the general audience and want to get it spread in different network so that the information has a better reach in his or her linkedin contacts.

Generally I have seen people using this mode to increase the spread or reach for a post if someone is looking for jobs or in this pandemic situation has lost a job so that maximum audience can view it and hopefully reaches the concerned or relevant people.

Answered by Spiderguyy
It is a common term used in LinkedIn for job search or seeking a huge response.

Usually if you post some comments on any profile, it will show up as a notification on your LinkedIn connections, that you have commented on that post. By this way, you can help the target person to boost up their post visibility and it will become a chain reaction with the number of persons commented !
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