Geography, asked by meero31, 1 year ago

What measures can be taken to conserve natural resources?


Answered by koushik02
Some important roles of individuals in maintaining peace, harmony and equity in nature are as:

1. Instead of deforestation, representation should keep in mind. We should take help from the Govt, for plantation programmes. Everybody should take part in plantation and care the plants.

2. People should at once stop the over utilization of natural resources instead they must be properly used.

3. We should make habit for waste disposal, compose and to restore biodiversity.

4. Mixed cropping, crop rotation, and proper use of fertilizer, insecticide and pesticides should be taught to farmers. Encourage the use of manures, biofertilizers and organic fertilizers.

5. We should protect wildlife. Though hunting is not allowed even then the persons are doing so. For this educated young should teach the lesson of wildlife act.

6. We must develop energy saving methods to avoid wastage of energy. We should remember "energy saved is energy produced."

Answered by hcf2
measure which can be taken to conserve natural resources are follows:-
We should try to use less peyrol for our two wheelers as we drive slow it will take less petrol and much time to finish
We should not use polythene bags as they pollute soil
We should plant more trees and plants to het rid of soil erosion
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