What measures should the League
of Nations have taken to avoid the
Second World War?
Not much measures could be done since the league of nation was flawed since day 1 and the second world war was unfortunately an inevitable war due to the treaty of versailles and various reasons.
The major flaw of the league of nations was that it only had two great powers in britain and france, both broke and weak after WWI. Two strong powers, USA and USSR were not in the league due to isolationism and communism not being invited respectively. USA had strong economic influence and trade embargo placed by her would be enough to bring down most countries. USSR had an army strong enough to coerce most countries either. However neither one was in the league and Britain and France together lacked enough influence. Britain was a major trading country, thus was reluctant in placing any trade embargo, a powerful weapon of the league. France on the other hand was weak thus did not want to support any military operation against aggressor. The selfishness of the two countries doomed the league ever since its birth.
Explanation:After the end of the War, only two great powers were its members- Britain and France. But these powers had become weak after the War. The League should have persuaded USA to join it. It should have also invited USSR to become its members.
The League followed a policy of appeasement. It did not take adequate measures when Hitler breached the terms of the treaty of Versailles and in the case of conquest of Ethiopia by Italy. The League should have taken appropriate stern measures to restrict the ambitions of Hitler and Mussolini.