What moderating factor lies between the emotional excesses of the romantic period
What is a moderating factor between the emotional excesses of romantic period and violent impulse of the soul in expressionism.
Music has got both expressionism value and aesthetic value.
The expressionism largely depends on the artistic aspects in the the rendition and performance of the music.
In the expression of music the violent and romantic emotions are expressed in different in different levels such as using of feminine voice to be more romantic and seductive to the listeners to pass a given feeling.
Artists also use filtrations o send down the emotions on the audience which can be more appealing.
Emotional excess of romantic period is achieved by the use of crying on pitch.
This has been used to send emotional and romantic messages to the audience by the artists and hence make it very poignant to ensure that they have the same feeling
Similarly in achieving this , in music the intro is an anticipatory prt which anticipates the occurrence of the events in a song.