What name is given to those metal oxides which show basic as well as acidic behaviour?
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hhdhduydydudyuur fyfhyfuydyy ty if it was y u have any plans for tonight and I have a good day at work and I have a good day today with the kids to bed soon as you can do it again in the morning so they can do it again and I will have to go e you have to I'll my the way to the gym today and r r
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Amphoteric Oxides are both Acidic & Basic
- Metal oxides that show basic, as well as acidic behavior, are called Amphoteric Oxides.
Aluminum oxide is an example.
There are many oxides which act as both acid and base depending on the situation.
Some examples are:
1.) Aluminium Oxide
2.)Lead Oxide -
- Aluminium oxide,
- Lead oxide,
- Zinc oxide,
Stannous oxide, etc.
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