English, asked by haroon200km, 11 months ago

what news does the letter from ballario contain and what news dies portia give to antonuo​


Answered by nileshgujju


Explanation: In Act III Sc 2. Bassanio has chosen correctly the leaden casket and has won the hand of Portia. Everyone is extremely happy and Nerissa exclaims:

"My lord and lady, it is now our time,

That have stood by and seen our wishes prosper,

To cry, good joy: good joy, my lord and lady!"

But just then, Salerio arrives from Venice with a letter for Bassanio. As Bassanio reads the letter he grows paler and paler leading Portia to remark impatiently that she must know all the contents of the letter:

"There are some shrewd contents in yon same paper,

That steals the colour from Bassanio's cheek:

Some dear friend dead; else nothing in the world

Could turn so much the constitution

Of any constant man. What, worse and worse!

With leave, Bassanio: I am half yourself,

And I must freely have the half of anything

That this same paper brings you."

Bassanio then tells her that his dearest friend Antonio the merchant who has sponsored all his efforts to win her is now bankrupt because all his ships have been lost at sea; and worse Shylock the jew from whom he has borrowed the money for the trip to Belmont is threatening to sue his friend Antonio who had stood surety for the sum of 3,000 ducats. Bassanio then reads out aloud the pathetic plea of Antonio to see him once before he dies:

"Sweet Bassanio, my ships have all

miscarried, my creditors grow cruel, my estate is

very low, my bond to the Jew is forfeit; and since

in paying it, it is impossible I should live, all

debts are cleared between you and I, if I might but

see you at my death. Notwithstanding, use your

pleasure: if your love do not persuade you to come,

let not my letter."

This is why Bassanio begins to look pale on reading Antonio's letter.

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