What occupations are practiced in the equatorial region?
The equatorial belt extends roughly between 5°N and 5°S of the Equator. It has uniformly hot and wet climatic conditions throughout the year. The annual range of temperature is low, and seasonal contrasts are at a minimum. The combination of high temperature and high humidity makes the climate unfavourable for sustained human effort, but very favourable for the growth of vegetation.
The region has red and yellow soils of low fertility as they get leached by heavy rainfall. The natural vegetation comprises of dense, lofty equatorial forests (also known as “selvas”) containing variety of species. The economic importance lies in their wealth of valuable hardwoods. The tall hardwood forms a continuous cover at high level. There are small plants forming a second layer and thick undergrowth of bushes.
The Amazon Basin of South America and Congo in Zaire are inhabited by primitive tribes. They sustain their livelihood through food gathering, fishing and shifting cultivation.
Economic Base:
Due to deficiency in water, natural vegetation consists of savanna or tropical grasslands known as Lianos in Venezuela and Campos in Southern Brazil. Coarse tall grass grows to a height of about 3 metres is the typical vegetation. These tropical grasslands are known as the big game country as carnivorous animals like lion, leopard, tiger abound in the region. These animals feed on deer, zebra and other herbivores. An extensive national park in East Africa attracts many tourists.
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