English, asked by shad88437, 7 months ago

What opinion do you form about Caliban on the basis of the above lines​


Answered by Sarah0909


Here is your answer

Caliban, a feral, sullen, misshapen creature in Shakespeare's The Tempest. The son of the sorceress Sycorax, Caliban is the sole inhabitant of his island (excluding the imprisoned Ariel) until Prospero and his infant daughter Miranda are cast ashore.

Answered by gaurishankarsrivasta


Caliban the son of witch (sorceress) Sycorax, is the soul inabitant of his enchanted Island excluding the impresent aerial until prosperous and his infant daughter Miranda are cast ashore. Caliban is a feral, sullen and misshapen creature in the Shakespeare's tempest.


Caliban is a tormented character. Caliban is a slave to to Prospero , as Prospero had imprisoned him with his magic and charms. Prospero made him (Caliban) do task like cutting and piling of logs of wood because of which Caliban used to curse Prospero. Later, Caliban met to drunken butler characters Trinculo and Stepheno.. Caliban finds them as god like creature. He becomes a servant to stepheno and hatches a conspiracy against Prospero. Caliban plans to kill prospero with the help of his new Lord (Stepheno) . He assured his Lords that prospero will be asleep within half an hour and instruct them to first take away the magic books of prospero as it would then be easy to murder him. Caliban also suggest jagano that after killing prospero his daughter, Miranda would be ready for being married and Stepheno by marrying him may become the king of the island. This give an impression that Caliban is a gross, brutal and savage creature who regards himself as the rightful processor of the island and prospero as usurper.


I hope my answer might have helped you.

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