what other pointers to consider in banquet service can you think of? name some.
1. Equipment
Knowing exactly what type of equipment you need for banqueting will help determine your output capacity.
2. Flow of operations
To run a banquet, you must consider every aspect of it and be able to see the big picture of the whole event. You must take into account how guests and staff flow through the space and the time of the event if you are to set up and service a functional banquet.
3. Kitchen management
Managing the kitchen is an important aspect of banquets because food is one of the event’s highlights. An organised kitchen is efficient and productive.
4. Service
Timing is very important for banquets because everything is happening in real time. Things need to flow from the kitchen to the dining area, and different types of banquets require different types of service
5. Handling customer complaints
Due to their size, banquets present greater margins of error and complaints may arise. Here are some pointers to take note of when handling complaints:
Create a system for feedback
Record and process
Follow up with the customer
6. Trends and developments
By keeping up with the trends and developments in the buffet and banqueting market, you can stay ahead of the competition and discover new ideas that enhance your restaurant. These are the current trends in the buffet and banqueting market today:
Live serving/cooking stations
Dessert buffet spreads with trendy items such as macarons, cupcakes etc.
Local dishes with a twist
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