English, asked by aheerayanyadav, 10 months ago

What part of your culture are you most and least proud of?


Answered by Anonymous


Culture comprises of all ways of living of people in a civilization. Culture consists of the beliefs, customs, traditions, ethical and moral values of groups of persons. People with similar culture live together in general. People of a region have a culture that evolves over many decades.

Our culture makes up a large part of who we are.

I'm an Indian. There are things I appreciate about my culture and some I would wish could change.

India has always been considered a culturally rich country with -

1. Diverse food habits.

2. Traditions & Beliefs.

3. Social Customs & Attire.

4. Language.

5. Festivals.

Answered by teeshajindal11193


I'm probably most proud of our continued status as the absolute pinnacle of individual freedom on this planet. Because of our constitution we don't have to worry about free speech problems like, say, Canada right now.

I'm also proud of the technological advancements my culture has made. If it weren't for the advancements of the British and Americans the annual global death toll would be so much higher right now.

Barring the low-hanging fruit of racism which has been done to death in the comments I thought I'd mention something that wasn't also a part of every other civilization ever -

I'm not so proud of the fact that we take everything for granted. Everything. Nothing's appreciated anymore. The masses in America grow up so well off that when they see someone who can't afford an iPhone they think they're living in inhumane conditions. The reason communism is making a comeback after all the destruction it's brought upon the world is because people here don't even realize that the poor people in our country have it better than most people on the planet. Were so ridiculously well-off that we're trying to self-sabotage our own country.

Also not proud of our public health. 76% of us are overweight and 33% are medically obese. That's not good.



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