what personality traits would a student need to develop ?
The ability to handle a sudden change without making it a distraction.
How Does this Trait Benefit Students? Students who have this trait can handle sudden adversity without letting academics suffer.
How Does this Trait Benefit Teachers? Teachers who have this trait are quickly able to make adjustments that minimize distractions when things do not go according to plan.
The ability to complete a task meticulously with efficiency and of the highest quality.
Students: Students who have this trait can produce high-quality work on a consistent and regular basis.
Teachers: Teachers who have this trait are extremely organized, efficient, and provide their students with quality lessons or activities on a daily basis.
The ability to think outside the box to solve a problem.
Students: Students who have this trait can think critically and are adept problem solvers.
Teachers: Teachers who have this trait are able to use their creativeness to build a classroom that is inviting to students, to create lessons that are engaging, and they figure out how to incorporate strategies to individualize lessons for every student.
The ability to fight through adversity without giving up to accomplish a goal.
Students: Students who have this trait are goal orientated, and they do not let anything get in the way of accomplishing those goals.
Teachers: Teachers who have this trait figure out a way to get their job done. They do not make excuses. They find ways to reach even the most difficult student through trial and error without giving up.
The ability to relate to another person even though you may not share similar life experiences or problems.
Students: Students who have this trait can relate to their classmates. They are not judgmental or condescending. Instead, they are supportive and understanding.
Teachers: Teachers who have this trait can look beyond the walls of their classroom to assess and meet their students’ needs. They recognize that some students live a difficult life outside of school and try to figure out solutions for helping those students.
The ability to move beyond a situation in which you were wronged without feeling resentment or holding a grudge.
Students: Students who have this trait will be able to let things go that could potentially serve as a distraction when they have been wronged by someone else.
Teachers: Teachers who have this trait can work closely with administrators, parents, students, or other teachers who may have created an issue or controversy that was potentially detrimental to the teacher.
The ability to demonstrate sincerity through actions and words without hypocrisy.
Students: Students who have this trait are well-liked and trusted. They have many friends and are often looked upon as leaders in their classroom.
Teachers: Teachers who have this trait are viewed as highly professional. Students and parents buy into what they are selling, and they are often highly regarded by their peers.
The ability to be kind, courteous, and thankful when dealing with any situation.
Students: Students who have this trait are popular among their peers and well-liked by their teachers. People are drawn to their personality. They often go out of their way to help others any time an opportunity arises.
Teachers: Teachers who have this trait are well respected. They are invested in their school beyond the four walls of their classroom. They volunteer for assignments, help other teachers when needed, and even find ways to assist needy families in the community.
The ability to socialize with and relate to other people.
Students: Students who have this trait work well with other people. They are known as a people person capable of making a connection with just about anyone. They love people and are often the center of the social universe.
Teachers: Teachers who have this trait can build strong, trusting relationships with their students and families. They take the time to make real connections that often extend beyond the walls of the school. They can figure out a way to relate to and carry on a conversation with just about any personality type.
The ability to be strong in spirit, to be courageous, and brave.
Students: Students who have this trait battle through diversity, stand up for others and are strong minded individuals.
¶ Self advocacy.
¶ Optimism.
¶ Respectful
Hope it will help u:)