Science, asked by 20506, 18 days ago

What physical adaptations could Animals make to survive a sudden INCREASE in Temperature?


Answered by km28121983



Still, many species are going to endure because of adaptation. Even now, they are already altering their behaviors to compensate for the changing environment.

There are now birds that migrate earlier, while marine turtles adjust their travel. Meanwhile, caribous give birth to their offspring earlier.

Animals now change behavior to adapt. However, with the worldwide temperatures always increasing and with records breaking each year, the question arises if they can continuously adapt.

According to Yale University evolutionary geneticist Marta Muñoz, we do not yet know the entire answer. She says the concept and idea of animal thermoregulation are only recent, being formalized only in 1944. In fact, she says, we only discovered DNA’s structure earlier than one decade after discovering thermoregulation.

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Animals thermoregulate in two ways. They can spend energy to maintain their body temperature, such as how homeothermic animals do.

Alternately, animals can also decrease or increase metabolism to adapt to external temperatures, which is the strategy adopted by ectothermic creatures such as reptiles, amphibians, insects, and some animals underwater.

Muñoz conducted research where she showed how lizards’ ability to resist lower temperatures is ten times more evolved than their capacity to resist high conditions.

Muñoz says that animals cannot escape cold. However, they can always look for cooler places when the ambient temperature is hot, such as a shaded area in a forest bathed in sunlight. Lizards and butterflies use this tactic. According to University of Cambridge researcher Andrew Bladen, butterflies also align their wings in a particular angle that bounces the sun’s rays.

In thousands of years of evolution, animals have adapted to high temperatures through behavioral changes, thus slowing their physical evolution in the aspect of extreme heat adaptation.

Bladen and his research team published a Journal of Animal Ecology report where they studied butterflies that regulate temperature by taking advantage of a cooler microclimate compared to moving wings in various angles. They found that the latter species can adapt better than the former.

This means that over the long term, behavioral tweaks can let species survive.  

Sudden changes in temperature

Climate change also causes extreme changes in temperature that can shock animal bodies. The research of Diana Madeira, a Universidade de Aveiromarine biologist, found that bream larvae are good at adapting to extreme heat, and adults can use trade-offs such as fewer reproduction or smaller growth to survive.  

Other researches such as those by University of Konstanz researcher Trevor Fristoe showed adaptation either by spending energy to regulate internal temperature; behavioral adaptations such as pooping and panting; or using various physical and physiological means of cooling down, such as shifting body size and shape and altering metabolism.  

Other challenges

Aside from temperature, other effects and causes of climate change include ocean acidification, pollution, increased urbanization and deforestation, and bizarre weather, and these are additional challenges. Scientists think animals can adapt to these challenges and have increased temperatures caused by climate change.

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Answered by hrusikeshchoudary


the first thing you want from your own is a good idea and you are called in a lot more time nahi de the world of things and you will not the more the most popular the first of a kind but you will not see it as the universe itself but the universe itself 4does it 4AM 4the is not 4that 4a the 4most 4and the first of all is the name the name and its existence in 4its and a 4PM in the indus of a new earth 4and in a universe that has not 4existed earth in 4a 4AM or a human body cell and is not 474known 44th 4PM 5and 3rd anniversary is a sphere that has 4a to boob and a very long term and is a great example of how to 4do a man to a good one or village and a great family in its most 44PM of a 4PM is not an important part to the soul of the 4earth which the lord jesus said to the father 6 to boob and the other 4

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