what poetic devices are used in the poem amanda, how to tell wild animals and the ball poem with lines
the poetic devices Simile Metaphor
Poetic devices in the poem 'Amanda'.
In each stanza, the rhyme scheme in the 1st, 2nd and 4th lines is AABA. These are the wordings said by her mother. The poetic device metaphor is used in the poem in the 2nd, 4th and 6th stanzas, where Amanda compares herself to the mermaid, an orphan in the street and finally with Rapunzel.
Poetic devices in the poem 'How to tell Wild Animals'.
The rhyme scheme followed is ababcc (chance- advance, east- beast)
Enjambed: the message is conveyed through more than one line. (and if there…..tawny beast)
Inversion: "change in the format" of a sentence. (if there should to you in advance)
Assonance: the use of vowel 'o'. ("you should go", should to you)
Allusion: reference to "famous thing, place, species of animal" (Asian Lion)
Poetic devices in the poem 'Ball'.
Blank Verse: the poem is written in unrhymed iambic pentameter (what is the boy now…..it is in the water)
Symbolism: the ball symbolizes the boy's young and innocent days.
Repetition: What, what
Balls, balls
Alliteration: What, what
Balls, balls
buys a hall hack.