what precaution one need to take while blogging?
First of begin with what you feel. This will be of great help since you have no idea what other are feeling. Once you show case what you are feeling people who can relate themselves to your story will start responding and hence the communication will rise. Once you have what people want to read you will never go out of content. After that it’s just matter of observation and you are through.
Now coming to precautions part. It is really really sensitive niche chosen. I mean it’s awesome one but very sensitive too. One small misconception through your words and you either go viral because of the misconception or you go down because of the misconception. End of the it is the readers that love and rise you very high or hate you to throw you down.
Avoid being specific: Do not specifically talk to one community, religion, caste, gender or anything specific for that matter, in case your topic is negative on emotional grounds. If being positive no one would mind even if you specify someone out of 7+ billion people on earth. Who doesn’t love recognition ?
Be indirect: When you have a sensitive topic being show cased, be indirect as much as you can. It won’t hamper your post’s performance at all but will surely hurt if the latter happen. As an example if you are referring to some community working like less privileged castes, use indirect ways to mention this community like by referring them from the area they belong. In this case it’s fine since the direct way would hurt someone.
Be generic: If you happen to mention anything about yourself, be generic. Give a bird’s eye view of yourself. In case you post something negative content (in terms of topic only) and if you happen to belong inline to that content, again the comments would fire against you first and then to your background. So being generic is the key thing, be it while referring someone or yourself.
Maintain a line: It is very very important to limit yourself while addressing a bigger crowd. One may agree but the other may not. So it’s better to be standardize your content so that it reaches maximum audience. Since you are writing about personal life it is really important to focus on issues than people, since issues are irrespective of people’s caste and religion. So adhere to maintain that line of censorship which takes care of issues. If you cross is you will directly be dealing with people which is not right in some cases.
Do not settle: At times you are discussing a issue like feminism in personal life of professionals across various sectors. Without your knowledge the discussion turn one sided and with fear of being declared as potential anti-feminist. So it is highly recommended that keep your discussion open ended one. If you keep your discussion open-ended, you keep yourself safe by not being biased (even if you need to)
This sums up pretty much most of the things. Rest is totally dynamic and it completely depends on individual site and scenario. So creativity would be a icing on the cake. Try out anything new but make sure it’s almost right for all. You have chose an amazing niche, and don’t worry you’ll be paid amazing for this as this one of the preferred niche by google adsense[1].
I hope I’ve answered your question the way you expected it to be answered.