What precaution should be taken while analyzing the results on commercial available computer software
The process of developing the guide was
initiated through an invitational process.
Invitees for the Technical Working Group
for the Examination of Digital Evidence
(TWGEDE) were selected initially for their
expertise with digital evidence and then
by their profession. The intent was to
incorporate a medley of individuals with
law enforcement, corporate, or legal affiliations to ensure a complete representation
of the communities involved with digital
A small core of individuals was invited to
comprise the planning panel. The task of
the planning panel was to formulate a
the basic outline of topics that would be considered for inclusion.
NIJ thanks Michael P. Everitt of the
U.S. Postal Service, Office of Inspector
General, and Michael J. Menz. Both of
these individuals provided their invaluable
time and expertise during the guide’s
review process.