What precautions are you taking while buying groceries and when
receiving a delivery at home these days?
1) Wear a mask The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now recommending that everyone regardless of risk factors wear a mask.
2) Shop smart and early Go grocery shopping early so you have access to the most options at the store. If you’re a senior, find out when the early senior hours are so you can shop in a clean, less crowded store
You may want to go with a paper list so you’re not touching your phone over and over again and possibly spreading germs on it before you have a chance to clean it.
You can even organize your list aisle by aisle with the help of a store map or app. Leave kids at home if possible.
Be sure to get whatever over the counter medications you may need and buy plenty of healthy staples.
3) Bring disinfectant wipes and sanitizer
Many stores have disinfectant wipes available or wipe down carts for customers as they enter the store.
4) Keep your distance Keep your 6foot distance as best as you can in aisles and at the register.