What precautions can you suggest to your friends if he/she is making an account on
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1. Be Cautious of Sharing Too Much.
2. Adjust Privacy Settings.
3. Limit Details About Work History.
4. Verify Who You're Connecting With.
5. Keep Control of Comments – Be Aware of Impersonators.
6. Don't Share Personal Details.
7. Check Out Your Own Account.
8. Know Employer Boundaries or Acceptable Use Policies.
People addicted to social media mostly end up sharing personal details, like photos (own and those of family/friends), contact numbers, email IDs and even addresses, including map location. Some brave ones even share ID cards saying nonchalantly ‘I don‘t have anything to hide'. They are unaware of the risks they may create not only for themselves but for their family and friends. Once you share your personal detail online, it is quite easy for a hacker, or any criminal who may be watching you, to use this information to make a profit either by duping you or by selling your details.