Science, asked by ratansarkar1667, 1 year ago

what precautions would you take to prevent the breeding of flies​


Answered by Trishant008


we should cover food so that flies do not breed on it

Answered by aishasharmaine4008


Animal sheds, stables, pens and feed lots :-

Solid concrete floors with drains should be constructed; dung should be cleaned out and floors should be flushed daily.

Poultry houses :-

Where birds are kept in cages and dung accumulates below them, fans should be used to dry it; leaking water pipes should be repaired, dung should be removed and the floors should be flushed at frequent intervals.

Dung heaps :-

Dung should be stacked to reduce the surface area and the zone in which the temperature is suitable for fly breeding. It should be covered with plastic sheets or e.g. a plastic sheet, over the dung; the sheet reduces heat loss and the surface layers become too hot for breeding. other fly-proof material. This prevents egg-laying and kills larvae and pupae as the heat produced in the composting process can no longer escape. It is preferable to stack the dung on a concrete base, surrounded by gutters to prevent the migration of larvae to pupate in soil around the heap. In hot climates, dung may be spread on the ground and dried before the flies have time to develop.

Human excreta :-

Breeding in open pit latrines can be prevented by the installation of slabs with a water seal and a fly screen over the vent pipe. If a water seal is not feasible, a tightly fitting lid may be placed over the drop hole. Installing a ventilated pit latrine can also reduce fly breeding (see Chapter 1 for more information).

Defecation in the field, other than in latrines and toilets, may provide breeding places for filth flies (Musca sorbens). This is a common problem where large groups of people, e.g. refugees, stay together in temporary camps. Installation of proper latrines should be given priority. In the absence of proper facilities, people could be asked to defecate in a special field at least 500 m downwind of the nearest habitation or food store and at least 30 m from a water supply. This reduces the numbers of flies in the camp and makes it easier to remove exposed faeces. Covering the faeces with a thin layer of soil may increase breeding since the faeces are then likely to dry out more slowly.

Garbage and other organic refuse :-

This breeding medium can be eliminated by proper collection, storage, transportation and disposal (Fig. 6.8). In the absence of a system for collection and transportation, garbage can be burnt or disposed of in a specially dug pit. At least once a week the garbage in the pit has to be covered with a fresh layer of soil to stop breeding by flies.

Flies are likely to breed in garbage containers even if they are tightly closed. In warm climates the larvae may leave the containers for pupation after only 3-4 days. In such places, garbage has to be collected at least twice a week. In temperate climates once a week is sufficient. When emptying a container it is important to remove any residue left in the bottom.


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