what prevents the dropping temperature too low at night
These changes are the result of your natural circadian rhythm that regulates when you feel tired or awake. Your core temperature gradually decreases in the hours before bedtime, and reaches its lowest level during the initial stages of your sleep cycle -- otherwise known as non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep.
Energy comes in from the sun and energy leaves by thermal radiation. If more arrives than leaves, then the average temperature goes up. If more leaves than arrives, then the opposite happens and the average temperature goes down. Evenually, the temperature comes to a value that just balances incoming and outgoing energy. This is a very long-term average. More details about this balance are summarized at this page: . This image is taken from that page:
The earth is radiating energy all day and all night. Almost half the energy that comes in during daylight is lost at night. The other half plus a little is lost during the day. So the energy leaving at night is about half as strong as the sun coming during the day. You know how hot the sun feels and how quickly it warms things up? Well at night, you've got about half that much energy leaving, so it can cool things down pretty well. That's why the temperature drops at night.