What problems do farm labours face in term, of unemployment? Explain any five problems.
1 they are hired farm workers so they have a limited job and they cant do anything extra they are bound by a contract sometime the contract is verbal 2 they have to work in harsh weather conditions that can b too much winter or too much hot 3 they get paid very less in most places they exchange the worth of labour by the food meabs they only work so that they can get food for one time
1. The Economic Survey of 2004 and 2005 shows that rural employment has
declined from 60% to 57% in just one year. The days of work of agricultural
labour have reduced from 122 in the eighties to about 72 days now.
2. A recent study of Punjab and Haryana's Green Revolution shows that the
decline in employment of farm labourers is more significant in the areas where
mechanised and corporatised agriculture is being practised.
3. By introducing labour saving machinery, using pesticides and shifting
from grain production to cash crops the landlords are squeezing out higher
profits by reducing jobs and increasing the work load.
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Secondary SchoolSocial sciences8+4 pts
What problems do farm labourers face in terms of unemployment. explain any 3 problems with the ncert chapter of class 9 economics the story of village palampur
Report by Reshakumachirl 11.04.2017
Ladida · Ambitious
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Yash1034 Expert
Farm labourers come either from landless families or families cultivating small plots of land. Unlike farmers, farm labourers do not have a right over the crops grown on the land. Instead they are paid wages by the farmer for whom they work. Wages can be in cash or in crops. A farm labourer might be employed on a daily basis, or for one particular farm activity like harvesting. Now a days, it has become more difficult for the farm labourers to find their work on the farms, as the farm owners are purchasing modern machines like harvesters, which in turn makes them unemployed during the season of harvesting. The one who works on a daily basis has to look regularly for work.
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