What procedure will you adoptto do a sociological study ofyour village in order to find out the problem faced by people
It sounds as if the farmers are only making changes because someone is paying them to, not because they see some great benefit in making that change. Even in Western society farmers don't make changes easily. Technology adoption can be slow. This in part can be due to establishment costs, the way that the changes fit with the broader farming system, belief systems, other pressures from people associated with the farm business, habit, family and community expectations, etc. I don't know what farmers are like in India, but in Australia they are fairly independent small business people that like to believe that they run their farms with a degree of autonomy. They don't necessarily appreciate someone with a "shiny backside" (ie sits in an office chair all day - their perception) coming onto "their" farm and "telling them" how to run it.
With funding supplied you may be able to get the farmers to change habits for long enough for those changes to become permanent. It would be wonderful if this could happen, especially if the changes resulted in greater security and prosperity for the farmer, their family and their community.
The best people to ask about the lack of adoption would be the farmers themselves. There could be some barrier to adoption that you have not considered.