what properties in drugs makes them addiction..( 50 words)
Scientists think that all addictive drugs activate the brain's 'reward system', by increasing the release of the chemical dopamine from neurons in key areas of the brain. Dopamine release occurs after pleasurable experiences, for example after food or sex, but can also be induced by some drugs. Drugs that artificially increase dopamine release in this way may cause craving for more. It is possible that some people may have a genetic tendency to make them develop drug addictions extremely rapidly.
Most people are of the mindset that addiction is a brain disease, while others reason with science in that addiction is a learned behavior from reinforcing properties that drugs contain.
According to an article published by Psychology Today, “The learning theory of addictions is also backed up by neuroscience because addictive drugs activate dopamine-based reward systems that are designed by natural selection to strengthen naturally-rewarded behaviors such as feeding and mating.”
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