What proportion of water in India can be utilized for irrigation?
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The average annual precipitation received in India is 4,000 km3, out of which 700 km3 is immediately lost to the atmosphere, 2,150 km3 soaks into the ground and 1,150 km3 flows as surface runoff. The total water resources in the country have been estimated as 1,953 km3. Nearly 62% or 1,202 km3 of the total water resources is available in the Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna basin. The remaining 23 basins have 751 km3 of the total water resources.
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Irrigation in India is a very important topic because Agriculture is very common here.
- Irrigation is providing plants and crops with a certain amount of water at certain intervals.
- The whole process is done in a very controlled manner.
- The sources of Irrigation are several, however the most important source is groundwater.
- Groundwater is made accessible through wells and tube wells.
- The "second most important source" of irrigation is canals.
- Canals are used for irrigation of plains like those of North India.
- 80 percent of water is used for "irrigation in India".
Learn more about Methods of irrigation in india:
Describe various methods of irrigation in india?
What are the different types of irrigation methods used in different states
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