What provision has been made by the current constitution of Nepal for ensuring proportional representation of people in all state mechanisms discuss
It is an electoral system in which parties gain seats in proportion to the number of votes cast for them. The provisions made by the current constitution for ensuring proportional representation of people by following ways;
1.Opening seats for backward people,caste, creed and community.
2.Following the principles of equity.
3.Making specific rules for gender and communities to be applied in all governmental organizations.
Answer: The electoral system of the state in which candidates win seats in a parliament in proportion to the votes cast. It reflects voters' choices more accurately than other systems.
The Election Commission decides to conduct the polls in two phases: Member of the House of Representatives and the Member of state Assembly elections. The government announces the date for elections at the federal and provincial levels.
In the constitution of Nepal, Article 84, there are 275 members of the House of Representatives elected for a five-year term through a mixed parallel electoral system.
The First-Past-the-Post (FPTP) electoral system has 165 members elected. One member from each of the 165 electoral constituencies was delimited based on geography and population. Through a proportional representation electoral system, the remaining 110 members were elected. The whole country considers a single electoral constituency.
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