what quaid e Azam said interview in ninchol in 1943
Address to the students of Ismail College, Bombay, February 1, 1943 (full text)
Presidential Address delivered at the Thirtieth Session of the All-India Muslim League, Delhi, April 24, 1943 (excerpts)
Speech at the Baluchistan Muslim League Conference, Quetta, July 3, 1943 (excerpts)
Interview to Mr. Steward Emeny, Representative of 'News Chronicle' of London, New Delhi, February 29, 1944 (excerpts)
Speech at a meeting of the Aligarh Muslim University Union, Aligarh, March 9 1944(excerpts)
Speech at the Concluding Session of the Punjab Muslim Student's Federation Conference, Lahore, March 19, 1944 (excerpts)
Interview to a Foreign Correspondent regarding Mr. Gandhi's offer, Bombay, October 6, 1944 (excerpts)
Address to the Members of the League Planning Committee, New Delhi, November 5, 1944 (excerpts)
Statement regarding Liaquat-Desai Agreement, Bombay, January 22, 1945 (full text)
Statement made to the Press correspondents on Wavell proposals, Simla, June 29, 1945 (excerpts)