what questions you would like to ask your teacher to know about the role of vaccine in prevention of harmful diseases?
Questions about the vaccine schedule and number of vaccines
Some parents may be concerned that there are too many vaccines or their child will receive too many at one time. But, they may not understand that following the recommended vaccine schedule provides the best protection at the earliest possible time against serious diseases that may affect infants early in life.
Parents may ask: Can it harm my child to get several vaccines at one time? Does my child need all of the vaccines recommended? To respond, you can:
Share that no evidence suggests that receiving several vaccines at one time will damage or overwhelm a healthy child’s immune system.
Explain what antigens are (parts of germs) and emphasize the small amount of antigens in vaccines compared to the antigens babies encounter every day in their environment.
Remind parents that they must start each vaccine series on time to protect their child as soon as possible and their child must complete each multi-dose series for the best protection. There are no data to support that spacing out vaccines offers safe or effective protection from these diseases.
can vaccine completely prevent the diseases
can one vaccine prevent all the diseases