what r the blind beleifs concerning comets ,meteorites and an eclipse in indian society ? try to prove them wrong
World History
The Sun Was Eaten: 6 Ways Cultures Have Explained Eclipses
World History
The Sun Was Eaten: 6 Ways Cultures Have Explained Eclipses
Melissa Petruzzello
Melissa Petruzzello is Assistant Editor of Plant and Environmental Science and covers a range of content from plants, algae, and fungi, to renewable energy and environmental engineering. She has her M.S....
Solar eclipse of the sun.
Solar eclipse
Without a scientific explanation, the darkening of the Sun (or Moon) during an eclipse would be a startling event, to say the least. Throughout history, eclipses have been seen as a disruption of the natural order, and many groups have believed them to be bad omens. Many ancient (and not so ancient) peoples had spiritual explanations for solar and lunar eclipses to help them make sense of these seemingly inexplicable and random phenomena. Read on to learn some of these theories from around the world.
- what are the blind beliefs concering comets,meteorities and an eclipse in the indian society ? try to prove them wrong