What r the commands of jesus in bible
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List of 50 of Jesus' Commands Statement of each command and scripture reference.Commands #1-6 Repent, do not be troubled, follow me, rejoice, let your light shine, honor God's law.Commands #7-12 Be reconciled, no adultery, keep your word, go the second mile, love your enemies, be perfect.Commands #13-17 Practice secret disciplines, lay up treasures in heaven, seek the Kingdom of God, judge not, Don't throw pearls to pigs.Commands #18-21 Ask, seek, knock, do unto others, choose the narrow way, beware of false prophets.Commands #22-25 Pray, be shrewd as serpents, fear God, listen to God.Commands #26-29 Take my yoke, honor your parents, beware false teaching, deny yourself.Commands #30-32 Do not despise children, go to those who offend you, forgive offenders.Commands #33-34 Beware of covetousness, honor marriage.Commands #35-37 Lead by being a servant, make church a house of prayer, pray in faith.Commands #38-39 Bring in the poor, render unto Caesar.Commands #40-41 Love the Lord, love your neighbor.Commands #42-43 Be born again, await my return.Commands #44-45 Celebrate the Lord's supper, keep my commandments.Commands #46-47 Watch and pray, feed my sheep.Commands #48-50 Make disciples, teach disciples to obey, receive God's power
but it contains main point
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