What reply given by kalam for amartya Sen remark on nuclear weapons test
The nuclear weapon test was conducted in May 1988. There was a huge reaction against the test worldwide. One such reaction came from Dr Amartya Sen, economist and a Noble Prize winner who considered the test as ill conceived by India and that more emphasis should be directed towards primary education.
He further laid the importance of having a cordial relationship with all countries in order to attain economic prosperity and even stage protest against such nuclear test.
Reacting to Amartya Sen comments Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam agreed to the suggestion made by him but also laid emphasis on the importance of attaining the status of a nuclear country. He replied back that India can not be a muted spectator in the race of nuclear weapons and missiles when two of its neighbouring country are well equipped of it. He further said that a country`s strength lies on how well it can defend itself. He believed strength brings strength and not weakness.
Hope this helps.