What represent(s) the electrostatic field
a- E=yi+xj
d-E=alpha*r (alpha=constant)
We will consider vectors in 3D, though the notation we shall introduce applies (mostly)
just as well to n dimensions. For a general vector
x = (x1, x2, x3)
we shall refer to xi
, the i
th component of x. The index i may take any of the values
1, 2 or 3, and we refer to “the vector xi” to mean “the vector whose components are
(x1, x2, x3)”. However, we cannot write x = xi
, since the LHS is a vector and the RHS a
scalar. Instead, we can write [x]i = xi
, and similarly [x + y]i = xi + yi
Note that the expression yi = xi
implies that y = x; the statement in suffix notation
is implicitly true for all three possible values of i (one at a time!).
Einstein introduced a convention whereby if a particular suffix (e.g., i) appears twice
in a single term of an expression then it is implicitly summed. For example, in traditional
x . y = x1y1 + x2y2 + x3y3 =
using summation convention we simply write
x . y = xiyi
All we are doing is not bothering to write down the P!
The Rules of Summation Convention
Summation convention does not allow any one suffix to appear more than twice within
a single term; so xiyizi
is meaningless. We have to take care to avoid this: for example,