History, asked by sarmisthabora06, 9 months ago

What role did art and culture play during the Swadeshi movement?


Answered by akansha6583

hey mate this is my knowledge and my books please mark as brainliest I had wrote this in 8 minutes please mark as brainliest

Answer ::

Favourite SpeakThe Government’s decision to partition Bengal had been made public in December 1903.The official reason given for the decision was that Bengal was too big to be administered,This was true to some extent, but the real motive behind the partition plan was the British desire to weaken Bengal, the nerve centre of Indian nationalism.

Ignoring a loud public opinion against the partition proposal, the Government announced partition of Bengal in July 1905. Within days, protest meetings were held in small towns all over Bengal.

October 16, 1905, the day the partition formally came into force, was observed as a day of mourning throughout Bengal. People fasted, bathed in the Ganga and walked barefoot in processions singing Bande Mataram (which almost spontaneously became the theme song of the movement).During the movement cultural upsurge articulated itself in literature, theatre, songs, poetry, art and contained within it the tensions of the age and a desire to explore indigenous artistic and aesthetic traditions.Tagore’s Amar Sonar Bangla written on this occasion was later to inspire the liberation struggle of Bangladesh and was adopted by it as its national anthem also Tagore’s novels Gora and Ghare-Baire are seen as critical literary material to grasp the complexities of the age. An interest in folk traditions and Bengal’s literary history was also revived. In Thakurmarjhuli, for instance, Dakshinaranjan Mitra Majumdar compiled numerous fairy tales. Historical and scientific research progressed in the colleges burgeoning with bright young graduates.In painting, Abanindranath Tagore broke the domination of Victorian naturalism over Indian art and took inspiration from Mughal, Ajanta and Rajput paintings. Nandlal Bose, who left a major imprint on Indian art, was the first recipient of a scholarship offered by the Indian Society of Oriental Art, founded in 1907.The Swadeshi period saw the creative use of traditional popular festivals and melas as a means of reaching out to the masses .The Ganpati and Shivaji festivals ,popularized by Tilak ,became a medium for Swadeshi propaganda not only in western India but also in Bengal.Traditional folk theatre forms such as Jatra ,exclusively used in disseminating the Swadeshi message,Tagore gave a call for Rakhi bandhan as a token for Hindu –Muslim unity .The scientific achievements of P. C. Ray and J. C. Bose’s discoveries in Plant Response became the source of great patriotic pride.Ramsay Macdonald visiting India said that Bengal was creating India by songs and worship.

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