Science, asked by LegendaryAsh112, 10 months ago

what role do caste paly in politics how it's rule must not be underestimated​


Answered by AwesomeSoul47


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Indian society refer to a social group where membership is decided by birth.[1] Members of such local groups are endogamous, i.e. they tend to enter into marital relationships among themselves. They often have related political preferences.

For political/government purposes, the castes[2] are broadly divided into[3][4]

Forward Castes (30.80% of the population)[3][5][6][7]

Other Backward Classes (OBC) (about 41.0% of the population)[3][5][6][7][8]

Scheduled Castes (about 19.7% of the population)[3][7][8]

Scheduled Tribe (about 8.5% of the population)[3][5][6][7]

The Indian Muslims (13.4%), and Christians (2.3%) often function as castes since they too marry among themselves.


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Answered by ItzUnic0rns

While choosing candidates for election, political parties consider the caste composition of the voters to win support.

When the government are formed, political parties take care that representative from different castes find place in the government.

Some political parties are known to favour some caste

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