What role do forests play in prevention of floods?
Hey mate!
Forests play a major role in preventing and controlling floods. Tree stores water in its deep roots. So, Forests allow the water to go into the soil. They also prevent the extreme water run-off and hence prevents landslides & topsoil erosion. Most of the flooding disasters are caused by deforestation.
The volume of water retained by forests can depend on several characteristics such as forest cover area and tree density. A strong forest cover of 30-40% acts as a brake against flash floods and thus preventing enormous loss of lives & property, and reducing the damage from flooding.
Forest is a natural absorber of rain water. It allows rain water to seep through. The roots of the trees absorb the water and prevent it from flowing away. The trees present in the forest prevents the rain from directly hitting the ground which may result in floods. It rather hits the ground slowly. Hence, trees in the forest slow down the movement of running water and thus help in preventing floods.